CRASIF Administration: 517.371.7880
Claims: 810.844.8137
Safety & Risk Control: 810.355.8642

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2017 CRASIF Annual Membership Meeting

CRASIF will be holding it’s 39th Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday September 13 at the Boyne Mountain Resort in Boyne Falls Michigan.  The meeting will start at 10 am and last to around 3:30 pm.  The morning session will include presentations on having a workplace violence crisis response plan, making a return to work program successful, and, an overview of the workers’ compensation claim process.  A CRASIF sponsored lunch will follow.  After lunch, the Annual Business Meeting will be held providing members with reports detailing the state of the Fund.  We hope you can make it!

Our meeting precedes the 5th Annual NMARC/ASMCRA Joint Conference at the same location.