CRASIF Administration: 517.371.7880
Claims: 810.844.8137
Safety & Risk Control: 810.355.8642

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Board Secretary Janet Aemisseger Honored

Board Secretary Janet Aemisseger was honored at the CRASIF March 5 board meeting for her 18 years as a trustee and 11 ½ years as the board secretary!  Janet ceased being the secretary on January 1, 2012.  Thank you Janet!  Click here for a picture.

CRASIF Phone Survey to be Conducted

CRASIF will be conducting a phone survey with its members in the next couple of weeks. The survey seeks member’s input on our annual meeting and how we can make it better. We would appreciate your help in answering this brief 9 question survey.

2012 Regional Safety Workshops dates and locations have been released!

2012 Regional Safety Workshops dates and locations have been released! The theme is: “Hitting the Mark.” Topics include chainsaw and tree trimming safety, incident investigation and stress management.  A guest speaker from the Michigan Center for Truck Safety will join us for lunch.   Click here for the dates and locations Click here to register